Yeah, really, Eileen.

Currently residing in the “where are they now?” file.

McSweeneys has a list, written by John Moe, of “Possible Follow-Up Songs for One-Hit Wonders” including the brilliant, “Seriously, Eileen, Come On” The full list is here:

And here are some others suggested by people you might know:

From Justin:

“Remaining Japanese”

From Memsy:

“”We’re Gonna Rock Down To” Alternative Energy Source Avenue”

From Adrienne:

“I Ran So Far Away I Had to Take A Cab Back”

“Don’t Put Another Dime in the Jukebox “It Only Takes Dollar Bills Now””

From Pauly Monaco:

“Bifocals of the Tiger”

“Don’t You Want Me “To Get Off the Friggin’ Couch”, Baby?”

“Our Lips Are Sealed “And our Stomachs are Stapled””

From Primo “who took some liberties with the “one-hit wonder rule, but what the hey”

You Can Sleep Now, We’re in Brooklyn

Total Eclipse of the Liver

You Really Did Want to Hurt Me!

You Can Touch This Now

Groove Has Migrated to the Spleen

From Greta:

This Morning a D.J. and I Shared an Awkward Breakfast

From El Guapo:

Whip It. Now Carefully Fold in the Flour

And from someone who will remain nameless but who really should have been doing some work instead of this “and probably should be doing some work now”:

“Mickey, You’ve Kind of Let Yourself Go”

“The Future Wasn’t So Bright As We Thought”

“Enough of the Jumping Around Already”

“On Second Thought, We Do Have to Take Our Clothes Off”

“I Walked 500 Miles and Now It Turns Out I Can’t Stand You”

“Baby Got Back Problems”