What’s the Dizzle, My Pizzle?

the nose of Frances.JPG
dogs love me ’cause I’m crazy sniffable

I went to a pet store yesterday to pick up some gifts for Taavi the Viking Wonder Dog. Now I was raised by with dogs, but I’ve been owned by cats for more than ten years and haven’t been down the chew toy aisle for quite some time. Man. If it was ever attached to an animal and can be dried and shrink wrapped, you can buy it. Care for a pig snout? How about a cow ear? There was some stuff I couldn’t even bring myself to look at. Taavi’s care package is full of desiccated swine and bovine appendages “I can’t wait to see what the airport sniffer dogs make of that”, and includes no fewer than five “steer pizzles” “Unfamiliar with the word? Here’s a hint: bulls have ’em, cows don’t. And it doesn’t mean “bad attitude””

I’m tempted to make a “fistful of… joke, but I will restrain myself.

I was chatting with the clerk there at I’m Not Gonna Pay a Lot for This Pizzle, and he said, “I guess it’s good that they find a way to use all the parts” Yeah, other than hot dogs.

You wouldn’t think I would have much of an appetite after PizzleFest 2003, but I stopped at Wellspring on the way home “where the pizzles are packaged in BMW SUVs” and picked up some stuff, including a package of sliced ham that reads “pork used never administered any antibiotics” Well, good. I’d hate to think I was eating some kind of doctor pig.