I have Google Alerts set up for keywords and phrases related to my new company, since it’s part of my job, as The Tick would put it, to monitor the culture. I just came across a web site that I cannot figure out. It appears to have been translated from English to another language and then back again. Here’s a choice passage:
Do they make bold to state "impeach"? One someone’s airtight legal lawsuit is another’s "remain out the Bushes."Saturday 28 July 2007 @ 09:22:35 pmYOU’LL NEVER DISCOVERY anyone as impartial, disinterested, judicious, and concerned only with the eudaemonia of the American people as a party chop laying into a politician from a challenger party. Thus the suit for the impeachment of President George W. Bush has turned organically from the very textile of the world. It’s not that Democrats are moved by defeat with Bush and his party’s electoral profit run–snake pit, the Dems profoundly rue that they’ve been took to this! It’s that Bush’s prevarications and offenses of the Fundamental law are so egregious, so without case in point in American history, that we must trigger the gravest of constitutional chemical mechanisms.
I would like to thank this group of Venusians or Uzbek spammers or whoever they are for introducing me to the work "eudaemonia," which I have now learned means well-being. Not to be confused with "youdamania," which is what overcomes the more oafish members of a golf tournament’s audience whenever someone hits a drive.