Submitting to Google

I love Google and all the cool stuff they give us for free. I used to worry that they were becoming too ingrained in our lives, but frankly, I’ve stopped worrying about that. I have other things to worry about and what they do usually works really well. So when The Mrs sent me an invitation to connect on Latitude, I accepted it “well, of course, she’s my wife after all”. My thought process went like this: “BrightKite and Foursquare are much better. But Google is ubiquitous so maybe I should just use Latitude.” Then I started questioning the whole thing again.

But dammit, if I’m going to submit to Google, I need a better Google ID. I created “dbt001” back when we were still being anonymous-ish on the Web, and “davidbthomas” is long gone. I’ve fretted and cogitated far too long trying to come up with a better ID that has my davidbthomas online brand in it. But even if I come up with one, I can hardly imagine how much time and effort it would take to move all my Google services from dbt001 to the new one. Yes, these are the kinds of things I worry about.

If anybody knows an easy way to move an entire Google presence from one user ID to another, let me know. So far I’ve struck out.

Posted via web from David B. Thomas