It’s been quite a year. Just like everyone says, it seems to go by very quickly but at the same time it’s as though he’s always been here. We tried to make his birthday as much fun as possible, considering that he doesn’t know what a birthday is and the things he enjoys most are pressing buttons, pointing at things, eating and knocking stuff over. We took him to breakfast at Elmo’s, which he really loves because there’s a lot to look at, including ceiling fans. The rest of the day was pretty much like any other day, although I did bring him back to the office from baby school and let my co-workers bask in his one-year old glory.
As for the evening, it’s hard to do anything special for a baby who is telling you in no uncertain terms, “There is nothing you can do that will make me happier than giving me a bottle and putting me to bed.”
He is such a happy baby and so much fun to be around. We are very, very lucky. I never understood babies before. They frightened me, frankly, because I didn’t know what to do or how to connect with them. With Conrad, with a few minor exceptions that usually occured late at night and involved stuff coming out of him that was supposed to stay in him, it’s been easy. That’s probably because he’s a part of me.