Miscellany, Thy Name is Plooble

Hellooo, ladies!

Yo yo yo. Time for a pizzost in the blizzog.

Mostly I wanted to post that photo, since Rebecky and Myküll liked the last Olympus manual photo so much. This one comes from an Olympus OM lens booklet, and gosh, I don’t know but I’m guessing it’s from the ’70s. I have a mental picture of a Japanese Olympus staff photographer approaching those guys on Daytona Beach or Muscle Shoals or whichever van-friendly shore they were oilily lounging about. I wonder what they were saying to him when the photo was taken, and if he understood it, and if he was glad he didn’t. And I wonder how many people looked at that photo and thought, “That makes me want to buy a new lens” It makes me want to throw away all my cameras. And possibly gouge out my eyes.

Good crop of spam lately. I got a whole bunch for mortgage refinancing, but once again it was the random text that showed up in the Outlook preview panel that made them fun:

My dog is very promiscuous. Take control of your money.

She was a very crafty little dorky head. We have hundreds of lenders to help you get the lowest rates.

His perverse sense of humor nauseated me. Find the best rates for home financing.

I got an email the other day from Pimple J. Channeling, and I’ve gotten five or six from Efrain Cobb, who really wants me to add inches. Efrain Cobb? I’m now apparently getting spam from the 18th century.

I stopped in a drugstore Friday night and was served by a clerk wearing an ill-fitting uniform shirt, with doodles and notes scrawled on her hands in multi-colored inks, an unfortunate nose piercing, and a Spongebob Squarepants sticker next to her right eye. Her nametag read “Beauty Advisor”


After years of reading about them on various gearhead web forums, I bought a K&N air filter for Plooblewagon. They promise more efficient airflow than a stock filter, with increased horsepower and improved acceleration and throttle response. Best 30 bucks I’ve ever spent. There is a noticeable difference, and the engine revs much more freely from 4,000 RPMs to redline. Installing it was easier than changing a wiper blade, as Primo demonstrated when five minutes after I bought my car he was under the hood taking shit apart. The new filter is also supposed to have some effect on fuel economy. I think it either improves it, or cuts it in half. Don’t care. Car faster.

And no Rebecky, I don’t think one would help the Bonneville. But it would double its value.

In addition to being faster, Plooblewagon is also scratchier. The first blemish on its pristine Midnight Blue Mica exterior happened Friday, courtesy of a shopping cart at Lowes. Oh, well. It had to happen sooner or later. I once heard of someone who would take a ball peen hammer and put a dent in his new car the first day, just to get it over with. But I’ve always been able to willfully suspend disbelief and pretend that my car would stay perfect forever. That approach hasn’t worked too well in relationships, either.

Man. This entry is too boring to even proofread. But don’t worry…

Coming soon: more banknotes from the Plooble Bureau of Printing and Engraving.