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I try to be efficient. For instance, when I weigh myself in the morning, rather than just waste that time standing there, I do it while I’m brushing my teeth. “Apparently my toothbrush weighs 47 pounds.” While I’m waiting for the shower to heat up, I clean the litter box. When I’m making an omelet, I start the pan warming up before I beat the eggs. I estimate that these and other efficiencies save me up to three minutes a week, which I can use in far more worthwhile and productive endeavors like listening to the music of Shooby Taylor.

Go to this page RIGHT NOW and download “Lift Every Voice and Sing” and gather a crowd before you play it. Trust me. Thanks and a tip o’ the hat to Adda for that one.

And in a further attempt to drive you off my site, please welcome Proud Icelander to the list of must-read blogs. Here’s a picture of him and me in Reykjavík. Why yes, I think we might have had a drink or two.