I Guess I’m Just a Perfectionist Workaholic Who Doesn’t Know the Meaning of the Word “Can’t

maybe I should have worn the plain blouse

I was feeling normal enough today to go out for more unguents and elixirs of the cough-suppression variety, although I’m sure I looked pretty rough, judging by the number of people who let me have an aisle to myself in Harris Teeter. However it didn’t deter one older woman who practically stood in my shoes while I was comparing generic and branded Dayquil. I think that’s so rude, but one little shove and I’m the one everybody gets mad at.

For anyone in my condition, I have discovered the ultimate sinus clearer. We already know the psychosomatic as well as scientific benefits of chicken soup, but try adding a teaspoon of Texas Pete and a tablespoon of Inglehoffer’s Extra Hot Horseradish. It brought up stuff that had been there since the Carter administration. In fact, I just found a mood ring in my tissue.

Thanks. I’m here all week. Try the soup.

Due in part to the Cream of Drano, I felt pretty good for my phone interview this afternoon, but not so good afterward. Let me just say that I am sick and tired of being asked, “What are you worst at? Does anyone answer that question honestly, or does everyone just say, “I guess I’m too much of a perfectionist” or “I’m a workaholic? I’ve answered that question by saying that I like to brainstorm and do the creative aspects of a project, but I used to bog down in the details and have learned many ways to overcome that. It’s an honest answer that I suspect has cost me two jobs in the last month. Maybe I should just be totally honest.

Q: What attracted you to our company?

A: You’re hiring.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

A: Five years? How the hell should I know? I could be onstage at the Oscars or running through the streets with a rifle trying to find food.

Q: What are you best at?

A: Blogging on company time and creating humorous PowerPoint presentations that lampoon corporate executives.

Q: What are you worst at?

A: Masking my contempt.