A survey of Inc. 500 companies shows the first decline in corporate blogging since 2007. Many are switching their content efforts to Facebook. Big mistake, as Janet Meiners Thaeler
points out in the post linked above. I agree with everything she says.
And here’s another way to think about it; Facebook is a valuable channel, but it’s not the Internet. It’s a walled garden, as we’ve come to call it. If you put your content solely on Facebook, you’re saying, “I don’t want my content on the Web, just this one place that can only be found one way by one group of people.” “Even if there are 800 million of them.”
As Janet suggests “and many of us have been advising companies for years”, publish to your blog, then share the link in all your other networks.
As long as people still search the Web, a company blog should be at the core of your content strategy.