Now I remember.

I just spent the last two hours picking a WordPress theme for this blog and designing the header “most of which I yoinked from a WordPress theme download site, so I figure that’s fair game”. It made me remember why I was most prolific as a blogger when I was between jobs. It can be an incredible time sink, and a wonderful distraction.

In the time since I started this blog in 2003 “or the blog that this has become”, I’ve had three different jobs, gotten married, bought a new house and had a baby. Things are almost immeasurably changed for me since my blog heyday. I said a long time ago in my daddy blog that I didn’t want to repeat tired parenting cliches as though they were profound new discoveries. That being said, I can barely remember the feeling of having an entire evening, an entire day, an entire week to kill and looking for something – a blog, for instance, or lurking in online dating sites – to fill it.

If it sounds like I’m wistful for that feeling, I’ll point out there’s another feeling I haven’t forgotten: worrying about paying the mortgage. Trust me, I am not wistful for that feeling. I have no wist whatsoever in that regard. When it comes to that feeling, I am completely wistless.

Sleeping Late

One of Dave’s posts reminded me that I wanted to relate a little story of last Saturday morning. Usually Conrad sleeps until about 6 or a little before. He’ll stir and make some little noise and by about 6:30, it has increased in volume enough to roust us out of bed.

Last Saturday, however, I awoke with a start at 6:30 to hear absolutely no noise. My mama sense was on high alert and I rushed into the boy’s room, only to find him sleeping soundly. I put my hand on his back to make sure he was still breathing and returned to bed.

In some just world, I would have drifted off until the normal morning routine began. But no, in this new ‘something must surely be wrong’ state of mind, I was compelled to return to his room every ten minutes until he awoke. At 7:15. Which is a lovely time for a baby to wake up on a Saturday morning. I wish I could have enjoyed it.

You can guess the outcome of this one.

I have a coworker with a new baby. She’s still at home on maternity leave. She sent pictures yesterday and a brief state-of-the-baby address where she said he was sleeping well and only woke up once a night. I recommended the book “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child” and credited it with helping us get Conrad on a regular sleep schedule. Do I even need to mention at this point that he woke up an hour early this morning?

Here we go again.

This blog has lain dormant for more than a year, but really, it’s been barely ticking over for quite some time. It seems awfully odd that I started Fistful of Plooble in 2003, and now, when everybody and his cat has a blog, I’ve let mine more or less die. I am Twittering and using Facebook, and I have a daddy blog chronicling the adventures of my new son. But this blog, the one that started it all for me, has been pitiably neglected.

So anyway, here we go again. I’ve transferred the blog from TypePad to WordPress. Why? I suppose because it’s free, and it was amazingly easy. What will I write about here? I don’t know. So much of my life revolves around my son right now, and when I neglect that blog I hear from the grandparents. I also have an internal blog at work “two, really” that I should be contributing to, as well as an external blog to which I occasionally contribute. And depending on the direction my job takes in the next few months, I may start an internal personal work blog as well. Maybe even an external one.

So why did I start this blog? Probably because I found an iGoogle gadget that allows me to blog directly to WordPress from my iGoogle page. That seemed too easy to pass up. And because a few months ago I saw a wine display at a local Food Lion with a sign that said “Fresh from the vine” and I realized I no longer had an active outlet for that kind of found idiocy. Maybe I do now. Again. We’ll see.