Grammy’s been a real trouper while she’s been here, and has taken her share of bouncing duty during the fussy periods when that seems to be the only thing that calms him down. She got a workout, too, and went through her whole travel stash of ibuprofen. Feel the burn, Grammy.
Conrad loves his Winkel.
Today’s highlights
Is he supposed to be able to do this yet?
From the Front
We’ve noticed that Conrad is beginning to define his evening fussy period between 6 and 9pm. Last night Dave said that he’d like it if Conrad would get this over with before he got home from work. And today he responded in spades.
Here is a list of the items he either peed or pooped on all between 5 and 11am:
- four outfits
- three changing pad covers
- a boppy cover
- my robe
- the mama
- a comforter cover
- a blanket
- my pajamas
There was one incident that did a great deal of the above damage. Two words: projectile pooping.
I’m sure a lot of this is due to poor diapering, poor diapers “those 7th generation hippie no dye diapers really don’t do the job” or sleep deprivation on the part of the mama. Some of this will work itself out over time. Until then, thank god for the washing machine.