Beach House Names

What would you call yours?

In May of 2003 I took a trip to Ocracoke, N.C. with Anne, Jon and Laura. We stayed in a house called “Fools Rest, Too” One day Jon and I were thinking the same thing. What would you call your beach house? Jon led off with what may be the best of all, “Bad Motherfucker” I laughed for half an hour. “Hi, we’re staying in Ocracoke Realty #72, Bad Motherfucker, and we’d like to order a pizza, please”

Here are some other suggestions from many of the usual suspects:

Cabin Boy’s Revenge
The Sandy Hot Dog
Drug Money
Dunlivin “for a retired couple”
The Yankee Asshole
The Salty Twat
Pimp’s Pleasure
Gritty Twin Beds
Hot ‘n’ Wet
The Rotting Crustacean
Dad’s Black’d Out, Too
The Sandy Crack
The Ruttin’ Redneck
Prepare To Be Boarded
Cap’n Salty’s Rum-Swilling House o’ Sin
Land of 1000 Ticks
The Pounding Sands
Crotch Cricket’s Nest
‘lil Titanic

5 Replies

  • i was searching for names for our newly built houses on the beach and though i wont use any of these it made me lol so thankz

  • While googling to find ideas on what to call a beach house I am building, I came across this website. I laughed so much I nearly wet myself. I found it so funny because I have a small beachfront resort and some of the names suggested for houses reminded me of some our more memorable guests, eg The Yankee Asshole, The Salty Twatt and the Ruttin Redneck. Thank you for the belly laugh to kick off my day.

  • This has no business being as funny as it is. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’m up at 2 a.m. reading your stupid blog.

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