There’s a gag I’ve always wanted to try that requires you to be in a group situation where nobody knows you. A party would be ideal. First, attach yourself to a group of people telling jokes. When someone finishes telling a joke, you say, “That reminds me of one” Then you tell the exact same joke the first person told, word for word. You have to tell it, of course, as though you aren’t aware you’re doing anything unusual. I’ve always wondered how people would react. Anytime I’ve been in a situation where it might work, I’ve forgotten until later. And frankly, I might just chicken out. It’s probably like getting into an elevator and facing the opposite way everyone else is facing: much, much harder than it sounds. I managed it for about five seconds once.
The reason I’m thinking about all of this is because I start a new job on Monday, working in the indie rock music biz. “I don’t know why I’m being cagey about the name of the company, except that that’s what everybody always does in blogs. I suppose I should call it Local Indie Label.” I could try the retold joke bit at my new job, but I’ve been thinking about some gags that would be a bit more complex and have some longevity.
The L. Ron:
Strategically place a dog-eared copy of Dianetics on my desk. Frequently say things like, “We need to get clear of what’s holding us back in order to reach new levels” Exhibit a great deal of interest in the impending marriage of Tom and Katie, and vigorously defend him should the situation arise.
Potential drawbacks: as it is in the entertainment industry, company may already be rife with Scientologists
The Poser:
Show up on day one in an obviously new t-shirt promoting some radio-friendly rock band “say, Candlebox” preferably still showing creases from being folded. Wear a similar t-shirt every day: Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, etc. Surreptitiously “yet visibly” change shirts at the end of the day, removing the t-shirt and putting on a Polo. In meetings, whenever I agree with someone, make the devil horns gesture and stick my tongue out. Always spell rock as “RAWK!!!! Make frequent drug references.
Potential drawbacks: termination or injury before the end of my first day, forced to ingest narcotics
The Easy Listener:
Starched oxford shirt and pressed khakis. Bring in a small transistor radio and listen to Sunny 99 all day. Hang motivational posters in office. Ask co-workers listening to company product to “turn that down a bit please, some of us are trying to work”
Potential drawbacks: too close to home, could validate co-workers current suspicions; no obvious “ta:dah! I was just kidding! moment. Possibly irreversible.