
Photography, art, things that occur to me.
Great site with a lot of useful information for B2B social media marketers. Here’s the rest of my interview with Kipp Bodnar.
Every day at baby school they give us a report of Conrad’s day. Here’s an excerpt from today:
He was in a sweet mood – hugging and kissing all morning. He is really understanding our words more. Another child was falling and grabbed onto Conrad. I told him to help the child. He looked upset at first and I tried to explain that the other child was falling. And Conrad helped him and gave him a hug. SMART BOY!
Don’t bother spending a lot of time and effort on a cool Twitter background. People viewing via a netbook or mobile device either can’t see it, or it’s compressed. If you’re going to make one, look at the design on a small monitor to see what actually shows up.
And don’t forget your profile info in Twitter itself. That’s the first thing I look at when I’m trying to decide whether or not to follow someone “especially on this small screen that requires me to take my fingers off their hard-won position on the tiny little home row and scroll down to be able to see much of anything.”
That info also shows up when you mouse over a Twitter username in your follower list, so that can be just as valuable, if not more, than what you put in the sidebar of a background.
Take a look at your photo, too. People may well be looking at that on a tiny screen. Is your photo tight enough that people can make out your face? How will it look if someone is viewing it on a mobile device and it’s roughly a centimeter square?
I’ve also learned that you should test drive any potential netbook for at least half an hour before buying, because this itty bitty keyboard is still driving me nuts.