Grammy and Grampy “not their real names” spent a few days with us last week getting caught up on all of the boy’s recent accomplishments.
He was completely fascinated by Grampy:
Grammy got in her share of Conrad time as well:
Photography, art, things that occur to me.
We recently started Conrad in his new high chair, which is Swedish, I believe, and apparently a marvel of modern design and is no doubt on permanent display at the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art. It’s designed so that it will fit him now, and grow with him until the age of 16 when it turns into a Volvo. We love it. But come on folks, not since I lived in Tokyo have I come across a more ridiculous weren’t-there-any-native-English-speakers-around-you-could-ask name. It’s called the Tripp Trapp. Quick, name two things you don’t want to happen to your toddler: 1″ tripping over something, 2″ getting trapped in something.
Regardless of the name, the boy seems to like it.
Did I already use that post title? I may well have. I’ve taken so many pictures of the boy. It’s always rewarding, but I end up with more pictures than I can edit. Today, for the second time since he was born, I got a “memory card full” message on my camera. The way I have the camera configured, the memory card holds about 6,000 images. “Fewer if you shoot video, but still.” So here are some pictures I forgot to post when they happened.
Here’s one on our flight back from our trip to Chicago and Michigan in late July. It would be funnier if he had caused trouble on the flight but of course he was completely cool the whole time.
Here’s another of the many early attempt at solid food shots:
And from that same trip, a gathering of Conrad’s board of advisors:
And finally one shot in a sunny Chicago park at a picnic celebrating Emily and Karen’s commitment ceremony:
I went and got my car washed on Friday. I realized that I hadn’t done this since before Conrad was born, so it was time. As I was standing inside at the cash register, in came one of the carwash workers shouting, ‘Mommy with a station wagon. Mommy with a station wagon.’ I kept looking around, waiting for somebody else to step forward… And then I realized that he meant me. It seems that I had left my cell phone in the car and it was ringing. He thought it might be important. Being a mommy and all. It reminded me of our wedding day when during the reception someone asked me where my husband was and I gave them a blank look and said, ‘my what?’.